We will be holding a GRAC webinar on Wednesday, April 29, from 9:30-11:30am (we may not need the full two hours).  On the agenda for discussion will be:

Presentation Materials:  Slides,  Draft Action Plan Items, Technical Support Document - Regulatory Compliance Issues Affecting PNW Generating Plants

Please review meeting minutes for 11/19/14 hydro webinar, 12/18/14 GRAC meeting, 1/27/15 GRAC meeting, and 2/26/15 GRAC webinar.  If you have any questions or revisions, please email Gillian and Steve by 5/8/15.

  • Draft Seventh Plan: Action Plan items regarding generating resources.  This will be a preliminary look at potential action items we can include in the power plan.  
  • Emerging Technologies matrix: Status/cost/potential for emerging technologies 

Please join my meeting or conference call 800-786-1922, code 53922423