1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Council Offices or Online

GoToMeeting or Conference Call - 1-800-356-8278, code 186685

The major agenda items will include:

  1. NWPPC report on new leadership for this work;
  2. Review of the action items from the April meeting;
  3. Marty and Jonnel agreed to check on the QA/QC of EPA’s contaminant data.
  4. Lyndal Johnson, Jennifer Morace, Marty Jacobson and Jonnel Deacon have been working on a map for a current use pesticide. The goal will be to prepare a complete contaminant data set in order to get a better estimate of the time involved in processing the data, which will assist the work group in developing a statement of work for a contractor. 
  5.  Update on any work done to develop a current use pesticide data base;
  6.  Continued discussion of potential threshold or criteria levels for each of the various toxic contaminant groups.
  7. Next Steps and next meeting date.